Monday, August 6, 2007

Hammer at Bray 3 – Frankenstein Created Susie

One of the most pleasant surprises during Hammer at Bray 3 came when my buddy Ade (Adrian Salmon) gave me a present of a drawing of his that will appear in the next issue of Little Shoppe of Horrors. Ade is an incredibly talented artist who has drawn for Dr Who Magazine as well as Judge Dread and a bunch of other publications. If you haven’t yet read his THE FACELESS comic, then what are you waiting for? It is ultra stylish and chock full of Hammer references. A follow up that continues the adventure is currently in the works.


  1. Great picture. That's so cool looking. You are a lucky guy.

  2. we who know Ade are ALL lucky-his work should be more widely seen...;o)
