Monday, October 12, 2009

Boris Karloff Blogathon

Frankensteinia, the Frankenstein Blog, has decided to roll out a Boris Karloff Blogathon in the week of November 23 - 29 in honour of Karloff's 122nd birthday on November 23. A good number of cult movie blogs have already decided to join and it sure sounds like a fun idea, so I'll contribute as well.

Not sure yet what I'll be writing about. I know I will NOT be writing about any Karloff movie that I have already seen, but may take this opportunity to film some gaps in my Karloff filmography. Alternatively I am also tempted to write something about his contributions to Old Time Radio. Karloff appeared in a vast variety of radio shows and this is an area that has never really been properly explored in articles about the man.

Let's see what I'll come up with in the next six weeks. And hopefully some more bloggers will join this celebration of the life and career of one of horror's most iconic personalities.