- Tough guys get manicures. Though they call it a MANicure.
- It's OK to swim with a telephone in your hand. It'll still work.
- 1960s clothes are utterly vavavavoom.
- 1960s wigs not so much.
- When you film a nude scene you really should focus on the nudes not the vase in the foreground.
- Oriental style funeral hearses are totally inconspicuous when they follow you right behind but stick out like a sore thumb when not in motion.
- You better think twice than to jump into a plane with practically topless stewardesses carrying machine guns regardless of how friendly they might appear.
- Note to self: There is no new mask for oxygen.
- George Sanders could have done worse for a paid vacation.
- 1960s people didn't just drink J&B but also VAT69.
- But they did drink J&B!
- I can't find the city of Femina on a map.
- Suave evil masterminds read Popeye comics.
- Randomly pause the movie and you always get an awesome image.
- Sumuru's motto: "I don't believe in banks" was far ahead of its time.
- As long as you keep an eyebrow arched up and an ironic look on your face there's no need to be afraid of women.
- Even if they do sometimes put you into awkward positions.
- Being irresistible to men can be taught in classes and apparently involves mathematical formulas not just scanty dresses.
- It's possible to talk freely even if your mouth is tied with duct tape.
- Chinese water torture is for wimps. Real torture is being kissed by three girls.
- Especially if two others then decide to stand on your belly.
- Bare midriffs are pretty sexy.
- George Sanders with a young girl on the lap on the other hand: Awkward. Very very awkward.
- Nothing like a local festival to film crowd scenes on the cheap and make the budget look much bigger.
- So there is at least one movie that features Maria Rohm but not Maria Perschy.
- Yep, that's an SS insignia on one of the girl's uniforms.
- When coming up against girls in fetish outfits wearing Hawaiian style clothing is pretty... well.... emasculating.
- If you tie a girl up on a rack common decency demands that you leave her ridiculously large summer hat on.
- It's a bit hard to feel threatened by invisible torture rays.
- Blonde or brunette... Shirley Eaton looks great regardless.
- But the only one wearing green should be Robin Hood.
- If you shoot at helicopters, girls, then aim at them not the blue sky.
- Mini skirted black mourning clothes work surprisingly well. I wonder why they never really caught on.
- I really need to start reading Sax Rohmer's SUMURU stories to check what - if any - connection this film has to them.
- Jess Franco is way better when under the reign of a watchful producer.
- Harry Alan Towers just can't do wrong.
- Like it? Love it!
PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (John Gilling, 1966)
A gang of ruffians and a rash of mysterious deaths frighten villagers into
a malignant malaise, fearing bubonic consequences and bombastic
7 months ago